Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Car Maintenance

Its amazing how well your car drives when you put air in the tires!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Count down to Tuesday

Oh Tuesday, it's only Monday! I can't wait to see my photo albums. Yes I will be rushing home tomorrow to catch the mailman with my precious box of photo albums.
The last time I was this rushed to meet merchandise I had ordered was when my dear dear friend roomba joined the family. And oh what a day, I came home and charged that sucker. Wait, why did I rush home for that? The exciting part came the next night when I got home from work sat indian style on the couch and let my new friend FREE into my living room, yes, I did, I watched it vacuum. You may think that's boring, and I may think that YOU are not a mother of two tornados and an 85 lb dog. :) The babies affectionately call my little friend "Robot"

You clean the kitchen of all of the tiny cracker crumbs while I bathe the kids at night
You have taught my children that they need to pick up all of their toys before bed or the robot will eat them!
Sometimes you get sick and gag on soldiers hair. But guess what robot, I brushed the heck out of him for you, so he shouldn't be shedding nearly as much for now.
Yours Truly,

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Zoo Trip

Today we went to the zoo and had a blast, the Elephants and Giraffes were by far the best part :)

Aiden was really serious about his monkey, I personally think he knocked it out of the park, watch out Amy!
Marshmallows on the ends? Clothes dryer? So many uses, gee I wish I had horns...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Now we're cookin!

Yuliya and Cash serve up dinner. Please expect crackers, or granola bars.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Photo albums

Today I ordered photo albums for the first three yrs of yuliya's life (pregnancy included) Will share pictures of them as soon as they come in! In this day we have no need to actually print pictures, so we have no picture albums. I have 3 pre printed arriving sometime next week and I'm totally stoked about it. The kids will love flipping through them and seeing themselves as babies :) Snail mail, listening to a baseball game, doing a puzzle by hand, making cookies from scratch, driving cross country instead of flying and picture albums, some things just need to stay in our lives :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday to my dad, he would have been 56 today

You brought life to all of us, and kept us together, mentally and physically(in touch with family and friends) Your passing changed all of us. We miss you and love you.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Views from under 4ft

 Original quotes from Miss Yuliya George

On why mommy has blue eyes and Yuliya has brown--
"Momma, my eyes are brown because my daddy gave me chloclate, and you had none"

On loving your brother--
"Momma, I love you a lot. Momma, I love daddy a lot, and soldier too, but I love Cash a little bit."

On the loopholes to going potty in the potty--said in an authoritative voice--
"Momma, I can pee pee in the bathtime, but I cant poopoo in the bathtime right"
My response-- "Let's just put our hiney on the potty if we think anything is coming out"

On why I hit a red light--
"Momma, it means you need gas"


On love--
"keeesses!! ugg!! I yuy you"

On his sister---who he seems to misplace a lot--
"yuya? yuya? where ee yuya?"

On School buses--said screaming at the top of his lungs
"goo busssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! goo bu!!!  gooooooo bussss!!!!!!!"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Manly Men

Sleep under their beds......

and momma needs to swiffer. 

Cash has taken to sleeping under his bed about 50% of the time now, sometimes all the way against the wall where I have to coax him out like a kitten in the mornings when he's not quite ready to wake up for school.


Cash has gotten really into the ch part of cheese lately

Monday, June 13, 2011

Cash turns two!

Saturday my sweet boy turned two and despite my best efforts of teaching cash that he's now two, (the kid can count to twenty) when you ask him how old he is he says "deuce". No idea where he picked that up from. Here are a few pics of his bday party. It was outerspace themed, we had a blast, but I also remember now why I love the community center in the summer. 

making planets out of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches left us with a see through loaf of bread, I suggested Chris bring it to work and eat it like a normal sandwich :)

Planets made of yarn balls :)
Amie helps out making alien cup cakes
Jen and Miss Lilly Ryan
Mr. Houston James, so glad you are doing better today. Poor guy spent 24 hours sick in the hospital the next day
Miss Alyssa and her daddy, she is such a sweet baby, just content to sit in anyone's arms :)
 I held Miss Alyssa for a while, you can tell by the drool spot on my shirt. I really couldn't help myself though, she is so cuddly and smiley.

make your own flying saucers

 cosmic dart board
 Chris putting the finishing touches on the spaceship cake

 And one Jackson Lehr lost his tooth on an alien cupcake!!! Now he will be able to say, an alien abducted his tooth right?

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my youngest older sister Amy! I hope you had a great day, I hope you were pampered by Matt and Alyssa gave you the best slobbery kisses and least amount of spit up yet.

Random facts about Amy on her special day
She was born on Friday the 13th and that crazy day stuck with her sense of humor

Amy, loves getting a good deal on something, she loves the thrill of hunting for it.

She does the best monkey impression, it can make you laugh, although sometimes kids that dont know her take a few steps back :) (If I had a photo of this, I promise I would post it)

She is a stay at home mom which gives her plenty of time to teach her daughter to be a monkey. Will I be suprised if thats the first animal Alyssa knows how to imitate? no.

Happy Birthday to you mimi. Love from us. :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Visit with Uncle Darwin

Too far and few between! We need to better plan our visits, we miss Uncle Darwin. When we got in the car to leave Yuliya said, "momma, I love him", too sweet! Thank you for the birthday presents Uncle Darwin and Aunt Kathy!!

notice Cash's "My Aunt is hot" shirt. :)


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