Wednesday, March 21, 2012

5 balloons

Happy Birthday to my dear darling daughter who came out of her room this morning to be surprised by 5 bright beautiful balloons and yours truly saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 
Your five!!
 and in an oh so nonchalant tone
"I know............... oh balloons"

After she was able to wake up a little more she was pretty excited by them :) And they were both very excited to eat a cupcake before school. Let the celebrations begin!

Can you believe she's grown this much? 5 years ago today around noon she started making her way into this world.  It's hard to believe time has gone by so quickly. And boy has she changed a lot over the years.
At her first birthday she was just cutting her first two teeth and on the verge of walking without holding on she was also afraid of fire(the candle on the cake)
On her second birthday she was waiting for her baby brother to make an appearance, and had established that yellow and pink were her favorite colors...and the girl had a thing for shoes"shoebahs" as she called them.
By her third birthday, here, she was a veteran at being an older sister , had dropped the love for yellow to go full on pink, and was much more adventurous and absolutely loved baby dolls.

Excited to eat cake? She loved her rainbow party, here, but couldn't wait to turn 5 and go to school with all of the bigger kids.

Over the past year she has: 
Completely ditched pink for purple 
She developed a love for dolls instead of babies
She still loves her Princesses,Games, and Puzzles
She has learned to tie her shoes like a pro 
Earned many commissions 
 Is always a helper, stand in mommy and teacher for her brother 
Has decided that she is always right 
She still puts her shoes on the opposite feet half of the time 
She has developed a love for Ice Cream, Broccoli and Green Goodness 
Gone to the beach for the first time 
Had her first major haircut
And Learned new ways express her artistic side

I am very proud and excited to see her grow, learn and develop tastes and talents. I am honored to be her Momma and so happy to celebrate again tonight with Sundaes, and again on Saturday with family and friends.

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