This year was Yuliya's biggest season yet, selling over 600 boxes of cookies! Thank you to all who supported her! It was her first year to go door to door, and at first, I must say, the thought of talking to so many strangers was less than appealing. She had quite the hefty goal, so really, this was the only way she could come close to accomplishing it. We marched on through wind and snow, up hill....Just kidding! Here in Houston it was definitely 70 degrees, sunny and completely flat(except for that time we both went flying through the air in a synchronized stumble on the sidewalk).
Breaking up the monotony, we had two or three bizarre haps of people answering in their underwear, or having their 2 year old answer the door, which had us walking away giggling up a storm(giggles may have lead to the epic stumble). We also knocked on a few doors and met remarkable people whom we could have chatted with all day, we saw a house with the interior of an Scottish castle and met some pretty fantastic pets!
Yuliya is ready to have a go at it again next year. Her favorite part? "You get to see inside each house!!"
This was our living room at one point!
Sayonara cookies. Until next year....
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