Friday, May 27, 2016


It's just around the corner, I can just make it out...
I am about to find myself with a little more time on my hands, and the anticipation, well its just thrilling. 
I have graduated... 
Keith has graduated... 
The children are out for the summer... 
Girl/Cub scouts are taking a summer break.... 
And soon all we will have left to focus on will be swim, theatre, work, and traveling! 
 Excuse me while I step to the side and do a little dance.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hear this

Lately, when Cash wants an audience, instead of saying, "listen" he proclaims "Hear this"  It  truly causes to pause your task and snap to attention. Nearly every time I imagine I will turn around to see  a scroll in his hand and hear an official decree coming down from the person in charge(not me!).

In other news, the 6 year old will not sleep, in fact, the 6 year old is obsessed with the globe. He's asking if we can visit Iceland after our New England tour.

One day, buddy. One day I dream of visiting and I promise to bring you along.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Until next year

This year was Yuliya's biggest season yet, selling over 600 boxes of cookies! Thank you to all who supported her! It was her first year to go door to door, and at first, I must say, the thought of talking to so many strangers was less than appealing. She had quite the hefty goal, so really, this was the only way she could come close to accomplishing it. We marched on through wind and snow, up hill....Just kidding! Here in Houston it was definitely 70 degrees, sunny and completely flat(except for that time we both went flying through the air in a synchronized stumble on the sidewalk). 

Breaking up the monotony, we had two or three bizarre haps of people answering in their underwear, or having their 2 year old answer the door, which had us walking away giggling up a storm(giggles may have lead to the epic stumble). We also knocked on a few doors and met remarkable people whom we could have chatted with all day, we saw a house with the interior of an Scottish castle and met some pretty fantastic pets!

Yuliya is ready to have a go at it again next year. Her favorite part? "You get to see inside each house!!" 

This was our living room at one point! 

Sayonara cookies. Until next year....

Monday, February 15, 2016


This weekend we took a quick trip to Oklahoma

First we stopped off in Dallas to pick up Jack and Sam. Then we headed to Turner Falls for a late lunch!

Picnicking with a view!

Next, we made our way to Norman, Oklahoma to check out the University of Oklahoma! Norman High school was letting out as we turned onto the main street and a whole slew of teenagers weaved in between our stopped cars. One of the teenagers had a backpack with our last name embroidered in a blazing bright orange on it! What are the chances?!
This campus is on my top three, it was filled with history and...these guys were zooming around on single wheeled structures.
"Man with popsicle"-The children
 Some of my favorite photos from the weekend. 

 Taken at the Oklahoma Railroad Museum! This outing was a blast! We had the place to ourselves due to freezing weather. We had about 30 train cars to explore including a caboose very similar to the one from St. Francisville!

We learned about the Sooners here at the Centennial Land Run Monument right off the river walk. We also froze our fingers off...gloves, must remember gloves.
 Back in Dallas for a night and day, we waited and waited for this trolley, but we never caught it! Maybe next time!
We did, however, get to see a man zooming down the sidewalk on a giant unicycle!
On Sunday we met up with cousins and hit the Dallas Zoo! 
Can you find something extra special about this photo?

To round up our trip we met up with Sam Houston. For years I have driven past him, but have never stopped. Did you know that he's around 40 ft smaller than the Statue of Liberty??

Headed home, exhausted. 10 States under our belts.

Next up-New England!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

100 days of school

Better late than never right?! I sure hope I look like anyone in this group when I hit 100! Cash opted out of wearing his belly and glasses this year.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Weekend adventures

This weekend we watched Starwars episodes I and II(we have only seen VII). Planted trees in a park, went to the zoo and Los Trompos!


We watched an amazing mama ice skating with and without her children. Here's a video of her without

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Bathtime perfection

 I love the hum of the littles playing in the tub. 

Cash, like Sam, could spend hours in the tub, buzzing and playing in his own world. 

I love overhearing the intricate workings of a life they have created for dinosaurs, frogs, boats and planes as I take care of things around the house.  "Geronimo!" as a pteranodon dive bombs the water to swim with a shark. The sound of water sloshing against the tub and inevitably on the floor as said dino and shark swoosh around on an underwater adventure.  

Despite the puddles of water I know I face when I make my way to the bathroom, I savor these sweet  sweet sounds. 
Don't grow up just yet guys!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Here comes February

I thought of you yesterday. For a long time.

Then, Blackbird played on Pandora this morning for the first time in a long time. The Beatles in general remind me of you, and plenty of their songs make me ache in that way that great songs do. But, Blackbird does me in every time, not in a teary way though, this one actually makes me happy and I nearly always have to listen to it at least twice. 

Eleven years has flown by, Soldier is my constant reminder. I went out and adopted him a week after you died, he was my savior for a long time. He is old and grey now. He is so far from the puppy I adopted 11 years ago. He still loves to visit the dog park.  He jumps in the car and smiles the entire drive to, then runs his heart out; but, when we are done his legs are too tired and he needs to be lifted back into the car. Times like those I really stop and think about how old he is, how long you've been gone and what life would be like if you weren't. And that, can leave me brimming with both joyful and gloomy feelings for days. Don't worry too much though, I tend to work it out. :)

 It's just that it is almost February and, February will always weigh heavy on my heart.

I hope you're well. Know you're missed in all of your wise, creative, tall, and stubborn ways. Love always.


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