Last part of our Winter break, I promise!
As I settle in to gather things for the kids to make Valentines cards and decorations I remembered I never posted about our crafts over winter break. Except of course our feet painting. 
I bought these cookies for the kids over the break. You will notice no pictures of Sam or Yuliya with theirs. Well that is because at 2 or 7 you can appreciate art, and coloring. But at 4 you appreciate free radicals swimming around your belly way more.
I will admit there is something unsettling about coloring with an edible marker on your cookie, but it was fun. And Cash and Jack were so proud. :)
The four year olds did however enjoy making snowflakes with Keith. See the Ipad there? Momma and Papa W have no idea how much it's used. For recipes, star gazing, sports reading and even snowflake making.
Our neighborhood allows fireworks, so on New Years Eve the boys, Cody included, shot off fireworks. They had a blast with sparklers, smoke balls and those little zippy ones that shot straight up in the sky while they make a ZING! sound. At the end of the night they also had the pleasant experience of trying to fall asleep through mass firework explosions as well....which can be a little tricky.
All in all it was a fun break.
P.S. Cash woke up at 2 a.m. last night toy keep his toys company. I heard him rustling around in the living room at the easel. At first I thought it was Yuliya, she has been the one to wake up in the middle of the night and want to play for an hour or so since she was about 6 months old. So I was a little surprised to see my super sleeper wide awake while his restless sister lay passed out on TOP of her sheets and blankets. The only down fall to it being Cash that wakes up is he is oh so much more stubborn than Yuliya, and just refuses to accept that it is still night time. It's tempting to trade in my tea for coffee today.
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