I went to Charleston, South Carolina this weekend to visit friends Lynsae and Nathan, their son Cody and Keith's sons, Jack and Sam. There will be a few blogs about it since I take so many pictures :) Below are pictures of a cemetery in downtown Charleston Off of King St. Near Queen St. It was beautiful. Tucked away in what looks like an alley at first, completely shaded by trees as you walk up with morning glories, ferns and other shade lovers protecting the path until you break out into the sunlight and see headstones protected by the wild plants and flowers they are providing growth for. 
Lynsae and Cody ready to explore.
Steps leading to a small patio in the cemetery.
I thought it was pretty neat how the tree has grown into the headstone.
It was beautifully overgrown :)
The cemetery was in the middle of downtown completely surrounded by buildings, so I thought it was interesting how the headstones run right up to the walls and in some places even over lap
Looks very piratey
Sam wanders through content to explore the flowers and headstones.
The end.
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