Friday, December 31, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Winter months, you never stay long, but we appreciate you,  with our snuggly hats with ear flaps and long fluffy scarves. Visit again soon. And Happy Holidays :)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

stocking dumping fury!!!
cash super excited about his new drum
christmas morning at kays, going on 18? yrs now

mid morning break, too many presents to open, this diva needs her rest
this does NOT look like a sharing face to me...what do you think?
Dorenda came to visit me! and hold my child like a sack of potatoes! We miss you Jiff, visit us more often :):)
Construction workers make pirate faces....I read it somewhere.
As usual, Christmas was a blast! Thank you for everyone involved, whether you cooked, cleaned, wrapped, bought, pushed shutter on a camera, laughed, or opened a gift we loved your company. We are thankful for you in our lives.  We didn't get to see all of our family but hope to before the year ends. Yuliya and Cash love their gifts! Especially the hats :)  I got an awesome robe! Chris a new texans camp out chair. We narrowly escaped a few meltdowns, just feed them more of Chris' quad chocolate chip cookies...that'll fix it right?

Please keep it G rated

Under the massive branch of mistletoe.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the night before Christmas....

And nothing is ever quiet in this house, but WE ARE READY! Bring it on Saint Nic!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Grandmami meets Miss Alyssa

Grandmami is in town! It's been a while since she's been back to the states, all of the grandkids are riled up. Even Miss Alyssa opened an eye for her. Lots of playing to be had, and mischief to be made.

Monday, December 20, 2010

George Michael

We heard her singing in her room for about ten minutes before we figured out what she was singing, and had her come out in the living room and sing it to us. Every time I turn on a camera she gets a little shy though, so here are the lyrics.

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day, You gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Cash "again" so cute!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Santa at Tracer

 Heather and Yuliya make a fort under Heather's desk

 Apple mouth, it looked like a massive dog tongue

Here bro, have a cracker. Evan coming to share Cash's crackers

Santa came to work again but as usual this was the least exciting part for the kids. They love racing around the building, eating fists full of cookies(thanks heather) playing in our fish bowl, thank goodness for glass walls, and building forts with heather.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Grand Entrance


This is my sister Amy, she created life today, an art of gods, we get to create life, love, nurture, and cherish these tiny beings we grow inside of us.  Welcome to motherhood Amy, it's our gift, and the gift we give the world. I know it was painful, but hey, if it weren't people would be having kids like we buy donut holes.

this is me, I can't look away from my new niece, can you?
This is my sister tara, she didn't have a baby today, but she has three! And they were all perfect little newborns too :)
This is Matt, how long did it take him to fall in love with his daughter?

Not very long at all


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