Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yuliya's 4 year check up

I took Yuliya for her 4 year check up today. I was asked a mountain of questions on what we feed her, how she brushes her teeth, how much tv she watches, ect. The only issue we have to deal with with the kids is Yuliya doesn't eat meat, and they both would drink milk all day if we let them.
 Yuliya had her first hearing and sight test, the vision test was a little complicated and after being there for 2 hrs she was ready to go, so we will try again in a few months. She did great on her hearing test though, that means when she pretends not to hear us, she's just ignoring us, clever girl.
When asked to draw a circle (b/c 4 yr olds should know how to draw a circle) my artsy child decided to draw a sun instead, an indifferent sun at that.
 44th percentile for height and almost 30th for weight, we are getting closer and closer to not having tiny children :)

Yuliya also had her first Urine test. When the nurse handed her the cup and told her what she needed to do, Yuliya responded "That's too small for me to sit on" haha!You have no idea how much of a balancing act it is to get a 4 yr old to pee in a cup. Not only did she say she didnt have to go, but I also have a strict "DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING" rule in the bathroom. Needless to say, Cirque du Soliel has nothing on us :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hula hoops

Since her birthday party and the fruit loop necklace making, mixed with me tying 1000 origami peace cranes to hula hoops, yuliya is calling fruit loops "hula hoops" DO NOT try to correct her, she will be sure to inform you that it's you who are mistaken.  They genereally eat cheerios or kashi cereal, so the fact that we have this massive bag of fruit loops to finish off has been a real joy for them.....only, she will only let cash eat the blue or green and she eats the red and yellow. Sometimes I wonder what Cash would do if he were the older one. For now though, he seems less interested in eating them, and more interested in dropping them on the sidewalk and crunching them under his shoe, to make a circle of green powder.

This is yuliya's impatient hurry up and take the picture smile so she can get back to running around. She looks so adorable in the outfit Aunt Susan gave her for her birthday

 Cash rationing side walk to us, he eventually moved across the yard after frustrations that we werent taking the colors he was allowing. He moved 3 colors at a time about 10 ft away, to keep us from getting them, too cute
Yuliya's rainbow

Monday, March 21, 2011


Every year the Azaleas bloom in front of Yuliya and Cash's bedroom window on her birthday, she calls them her birthday flowers.  Lucky us they come in  pink...her favorite color!

Yuliya turns 4 rainbow party!

Yuliya turned 4 on march 21st, to celebrate we threw a rainbow party,
 rainbow food

 1000 origami peace cranes rainbow colored

 rainbow rice for each kid to make their own homemade Find it!

Homemade rainbow cake :)


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